Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
d. Gore Verbinski, 135 minutes
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Film Plot Summary
The film's prologue was 8 years before the action of the main film - with the British vessel the HMS Dauntless encountering evidence of a pirate ship's (the Black Pearl with black sails) attack on a merchant vessel. Future characters were introduced: 12 year-old Elizabeth Swann, daughter of Port Royal's (Jamaica) Governor Weatherby Swann (Jonathan Pryce), a rescued boy named Will Turner (with a mysterious gold pirate's medallion with a skull, secretly kept by Elizabeth), and ship's lieutenant James Norrington (Jack Davenport).
In the film's main story, Captain Norrington was being promoted to Commodore in the British Royal Navy, and Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) was Port Royal blacksmith's apprentice and expert swordsman, in love with spunky 20 year-old Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley). Swashbuckling, eccentric pirate Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) arrived in Port Royal, Jamaica, just as his dinghy sank at the dock in the film's clever entrance scene. He arrived just in time to save Elizabeth (with the medallion around her neck, emitting a pulse in the water) who had fainted and fallen into the ocean after the promotion ceremony. Sparrow was captured and locked up in jail, ready to be hanged by Elizabeth's pompous fiancee Commodore Norrington the next day.
Meanwhile, blackhearted Captain Hector Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) and his crew of 'miscreants'-pirates from the Black Pearl (Jack's former boat), attacked Port Royal, summoned by Elizabeth's medallion, and kidnapped her. She was mistaken for the daughter of pirate-scallywag William 'Bootstrap Bill' Turner, Will's father, when she told Barbossa her name was Elizabeth Turner, and they kept her onboard when she turned over the medallion, and kept her captive on their trip to Isla de Muerta.
Will Turner freed Jack from jail to help him rescue his 'bonny lass' Elizabeth from the Black Pearl, by commandeering the HMS Interceptor (after tricking the Navy by switching ships). They sailed on to Tortuga to first assemble a motley buccaneer crew before proceeding after Elizabeth.
Meanwhile, Barbossa explained to Elizabeth how the medallion was 'Aztec gold, one of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Cortes himself. Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies. But the greed of Cortes was insatiable. So the heathen gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a single piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity' - after Barbossa located the chest and stole the Aztec gold coins (and wastefully spent all of them), the ancient curse was placed on him and his greedy crew ('We are cursed men') - they were doomed to sail the seas as living corpses.
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Tthere was one way to end/break the curse for them: 'All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored and the blood repaid' - Elizabeth's medallion was the 'final piece' or coin to be returned; 'the blood to be repaid' meant that Barbossa would use a drop of Elizabeth's (Turner kin) blood on the last coin to remove the curse: 'That's why there's no sense to be killin' ya, yet'. The pirates were actually 'undead' skeletal beings ('The moonlight shows us for what we really are. We are not among the living so we cannot die').
While sailing to Isla de Muerta, Will learned that ten years earlier, Captain Jack was formerly the captain of the Black Pearl when Barbossa was the First Mate. Scheming Barbossa had mutinied, marooned Jack on an isolated island to die (although he escaped three days later by making a raft of sea turtles - one of his tall tales), and stolen the cursed treasure of Cortes' Aztec gold coins. Barbossa arrived at Isla de Muerta where the treasure was stored in a stone chest, to lift the curse by performing 'the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods' on the medallion with Elizabeth's blood - chanting: 'Begun by blood. By blood undone.' But the blood from a knife cut on her hand that was spilled on the medallion had no effect!
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Will knocked out Jack and rescued Elizabeth (she grabbed the medallion) in the confusion and brought her to the Interceptor while Jack was captured by Barbossa's pirates - and then he bargained with his life, trading his knowledge of whose blood they needed. [The medallion was a gift from Will's father to him, and Will's blood ('the blood of a pirate') was what the pirates really needed.]. After the Black Pearl came upon the Interceptor and sank it, a deal was made: Will was to be taken to Isla de Muerta for the ritual in exchange for Barbossa freeing Elizabeth, although in the end, she was marooned with Jack on an island after they both walked the plank.
A signal fire from a cache of rum alerted Commodore Norrington to the island - he then assisted in the rescue of Will (in exchange for Elizabeth's promise to marry him - 'as a wedding gift') with the help of the Royal Navy and the HMS Dauntless. The pirates surprise-attacked the Dauntless and conniving Captain Jack became temporarily 'undead' when he stole a coin. Afterwards, Sparrow engaged in a long swordfight duel against Barbossa. Toward the end of the fight, the last two stolen and bloodied Aztec treasure gold coins (pieces of eight) were dropped in a stone chest on Isla de Muerta by rightful heir Will Turner. Temporarily 'undead' Jack had thrown his own secretly-stolen coin to Will, to deposit for him in the chest, to lift the curse and return himself to being mortal.
Barbossa pulled a gun on Elizabeth, but before he pulled the trigger, Sparrow shot 'undead' Barbossa in the heart, who thought he was still invincible. He told Jack: 'Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot.' But he was wrong, as Will affirmed while dropping the two coins in the chest: 'He didn't waste it.' The black-hearted pirate's wound, normally harmless, was now fatal since he had just turned mortal when the curse ended. Barbossa ripped open his coat and glanced down at his bloody chest wound - he uttered: 'I feel - cold.' As he fell backwards onto the pile of treasures, a green apple rolled from his hand.
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Will rescued pirate Jack from hanging by the Navy in Port Royal, and he escaped with his freed crew on the Pearl ('with one day's head start'), while Elizabeth's profession of her heart's true love for a pardoned Will was accepted by Norrington.
Film Notables (Awards, Facts, etc.)
With a production budget of $140 million, the film grossed $305 million (domestic) and $654 million (worldwide). It was the # 3 top-grossing (domestic) box-office hit of the year, behind The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) at $377 million, and Finding Nemo (2003) at $340 million.
Nominated for five Academy Awards (with no wins): Best Actor (Johnny Depp), Best Makeup, Best Visual Effects, Best Sound, and Best Sound Editing.
It was the first Walt Disney Pictures release to receive a PG-13 rating.
Set-pieces: Will Turner's swordfight in the blacksmith shop with Captain Jack Sparrow, the transformation scene of pirate Captain Barbossa into an 'undead' skeleton, the attack of the Pearl upon the Interceptor, the underwater surprise ambush of the 'undead' skeletal pirates upon the HMS Dauntless, and the final sword fight between the two 'immortals': Barbossa and Sparrow.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
d. Gore Verbinski, 151 minutes
Film Plot Summary
Interrupted during the process of exchanging marital vows in Port Royal, Jamaica, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) were arrested by East India Trading Company (EITC) chairman and ruthless agent Lord Cutler Beckett (Tom Hollander) for helping the escape of pirate Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) in the previous film.
[Beckett and other main characters in the film were all after the still-beating heart of Davy Jones. According to the legend told by voodoo priestess Tia Dalma (Naomie Harris), Jones carved his own forlorn, broken heart out of his human body years earlier, and then put it in a locked Dead Man's Chest buried in an undisclosed location, but kept the key. Its possessor would rule over the world's seas. With that power, Beckett could increase EITC's monopoly on trade in the Caribbean by ending piracy on the high seas. Also, stabbing the heart was the only way to kill Jones and end any curse or blood debt, but if Jones was killed prematurely, there would be no one to call off the Kraken ('a fearsome creature with giant tentacles').]
Elizabeth and Will were offered royal clemency if Will would help in the hunt for Sparrow and return with his magical compass - Will also wanted to be reconciled with his late father, William 'Bootstrap Bill' Turner Sr. (Stellan Skarsgard), one of Jones' indentured-enslaved crew members; sent by Davy Jones, 'Bootstrap Bill' visited Jack, who had regained the captaincy of the Black Pearl, and delivered to him a Black Spot on the palm of his hand, warning that Jack's unpaid blood debt was now due to villainous, part-octopus/crab/human ghost Captain Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) of the ghostly The Flying Dutchman, and that Jack was targeted by Jones' 'terrible beastie' - the Kraken. Hypersonic 3.
It was revealed that 13 years earlier, Jack had also become bound to serve Davy Jones on his Dutchman ship for 100 years when Jones raised the Pearl for Jack. Fearing being on the ocean where he was unsafe, Jack fled - and was found by Will on the cannibal-inhabited island of Pelegosto after he had run aground with the Pearl - Jack was worshipped there as a god, but was about to be sacrificed on a spit above a fire. Will and Sparrow escaped from the island of natives and tracked down Jones' Flying Dutchman and his undead crew on the high seas. Jack tricked Will into going onboard the ship in search of the key to unlock the chest. however, Jack also went onboard, and bargained with Davy Jones for his freedom while Will was held as a good faith payment and hostage: if Jack could find 100 souls within 3 days, they could be exchanged and brought into a 'lifetime of servitude' to Jones - used to pay off Jack's own blood debt.
Elizabeth (dressed as a male sailor) joined Jack in a race-quest for the hiding place of the chest that contained Davy Jones' cut-out, still-beating heart, as Jack collected souls of unsuspecting sailors at Tortuga (including disgraced James Norrington (Jack Davenport)). The chest was located and dug up on the tropical island of Isla Cruces - Will also arrived there after being released from Jones' ship with aid from his father after a game of dice, and after surviving a Kraken attack on another ship. Sparrow opened the chest with the key (that Will had stolen from the neck of Jones), and during a distracting, three-way swordfight-skirmish between Will, Jack, and Norrington, Norrington took off with the heart.
In a sub-plot, Jack's compass - which only worked when the user knew what he wanted - pointed back and forth between Jack and Elizabeth - reflecting their romantic tension and feelings.
While pursuing Jack on the ocean as he captained the Black Pearl, Jones on his Flying Dutchman threatened to unleash the mythological sea monster - the Kraken (CGI-created) - to attack Jack's ship and kill him. thinking she could save the crew, Elizabeth betrayed and tricked Jack by kissing him as she handcuffed him to the Pearl's mast where he would be an easy target. Jack was swallowed by the Kraken, and dragged down into the water to his death - where he was taken to Davy Jones' locker inside the gateway called World's End, to repay his debt to Davy Jones.
Jones retrieved the chest, but was enraged when he discovered that it was empty. Back in Port Royal, Jamaica, Norrington delivered Jones' heart from the chest to Lord Beckett, wishing to use it to bargain back his British Royal Navy career.
In her shack, the priestess Tia Dalma, with the power to resurrect the dead and see into the future, asked Will, Elizabeth, and Jack's Pearl crew about what they would do to save Jack: 'Would you sail to the ends of the Earth and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and him precious Pearl?'; when they answered affirmatively, she told them: 'But if you go and brave the weird and haunted shores at world's end, then you will need a captain who knows those waters' - she called upon resurrected Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) from the first film to assist them - he entered the room and asked: 'So tell me, what's become of my ship?', as the film abruptly ended.

However, after the lengthy end credits, the crew's dog, earlier left behind on the island, was seen to be the new chief of the cannibal tribe.
Film Notables (Awards, Facts, etc.)
With a production budget of approximately $225 million, the film grossed $423 million (domestic) and $1,066 million (worldwide). One of the most successful films of all time at the box-office.It became the highest-grossing (domestic) hit of the year, soundly beating out second place Night at the Museum (2006) at $251 million, and the animated Cars (2006) at $244 million.
The film broke many records with new benchmarks - it had the largest opening weekend (of three days) ever at $135.6 million, surpassing the previous all-time record holders: Spider-Man (2002) which took in $114.8 million in its first weekend, and Spider-Man 2 (2004) which took in $115.8 million in its opening weekend. Dead Man's Chest also took in $55.8 million on its first day (Friday) to beat the previous single-day record of $50 million, set the previous year by Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith (2005). With $44.7 million on its second day (Saturday), Dead Man's Chest also became the first movie to top $100 million in just two days. It also reached $200 million and $300 million in grosses faster than any film in history (8 and 16 days respectively). And on August 20, it became the seventh film ever to cross $400 million at the domestic box office. Spectacularly, it was only the third movie in history to hit the billion dollar mark worldwide (at $1,065,300,000).
Nominated for four Academy Awards (including one win for Best Visual Effects), also Best Art Direction, Best Sound, and Best Sound Editing.
Set-pieces: the bone-cage cliff-face scaling sequence, the runaway giant mill wheel sequence, and the climactic fight against the Kraken. After the end credits, the dog left behind on Pelegosto with the cannibals was seen sitting on the throne with a bone in his mouth: the newly-appointed chief of the tribe.