I found an Applescript that sort of does what I want:
tell application 'Mail'
set background color of (messages of inbox whose read status is false) to red--unread
set background color of (messages of inbox whose read status is true) to none--default read
end tell
However, this script will not work if you change 'background color' to 'text color'. It also changes the text color of the read messages in the preview pane to black when it runs the second part and I can't figure out a way to make the text a different color. I have a rule set up to set the color of text to a specific account, but the script overrides the rule.
Any suggestions on how this can be done?

Outlook Unread Messages Settings

Posted on Oct 29, 2010 10:23 AM
Outlook For Mac Os Change Unread Font Color Shortcut
Locate the font you want to use as your default system font, and copy it to your Desktop. Open TTFEdit, and then use the File menu in the program to open the font file on the Desktop. Along the left-hand side of the program’s window, choose the “name” tab, which will display the name table for the font. Outlook for Windows, Mac, and on the web. Learn more Get started with Outlook. Video tutorials. Watch how Outlook mobile helps you get things done. Learn more Outlook mobile webinar series. Learn 10 time-saving tips and tricks to get the most out of Outlook for mobile. Watch on demand. Change Fonts & Colors preferences in Mail on Mac Use Fonts & Colors preferences in Mail to change fonts and font sizes for writing and viewing messages in Mail, and for distinguishing quoted text when replying to or forwarding messages. To change these preferences in the Mail app on your Mac, choose Mail Preferences, then click Fonts & Colors.
Keep in mind, changes to the Theme will apply to all Office 2016 and higher for Mac apps including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook. Customize Microsoft Office Color Theme on Mac Step 1.