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Cheat Counter Strike
Di Indonesia sendiri Counter Strike sudah diminati oleh banyak orang yang mencintai permainan screen shoot. Salah satunya ya gue. gue adalah seorang penggemar permainan screen shoot. Awalnya gue cuman iseng-iseng aja mainin karena emang dulu Counter Strike masih sangat diminati oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa karena dulu baru muncul permainan seperti itu. Akan tetapi, setelah gue nyoba, di dalam diri gue pun ada keanehan. Gue mulai kecanduan nyari permainan kayak gitu. tapi udahan ja deh nyeritain pengalaman gue. Gue bingung mau ngomong apaan lagi. Ok kita sekarang ke permasalahannya. Gue bikin blog ini bukan buat masalah pribadi atau kerjaan. Tapi gue bikin blog ini buat hiburan gue semata. Di blog ini loe bakal nemuin cheats Counter Strike, dimulai dari Condition ZeroSampe Counter Strike Source. Karena cheatsnya emang itu-itu aja aliasnggak ada perubahan.
langsung aja agan/sis....
Efek | Cheats |
$16,000 | impulse 101 |
ukuran gravitasi | sv_gravity (loe tulis angka bebas) |
Mendapatkan Arctic sniper rifle | spaceweapon_awp |
Auto-aim pake sniper rifle | sv_aim |
Auto-reload disabled | -reload |
Auto-reload enabled | +reload |
Change crosshair color | adjust crosshair |
Change skins | skin |
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting | crosshair <1-5> |
Faster backwards motion | cl_backspeed 999 |
Faster forward motion | cl_forwardspeed 999 |
Faster side motion | cl_sidespeed 999 |
Get indicated item | give |
Hyper auto-aim disabled | sv_clienttrace 0000 |
Hyper auto-aim enabled | sv_clienttrace 9999 |
Ukuran level | changelevel |
Reveal how much time is left on the map | timeleft |
See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 | gl_zmax<0-9999> |
Melihat dari kegelapan tanpa menggunakan flashlight | lambert -1.0001 |
Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6(For use on server machine only) | mp_freezetime |
Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5(For use on server machine only) | mp_roundtime <3-15> |
Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0(For use on server machine only) | mp_timelimit |
SetC4 timer | mp_c4timer <1-100> |
Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 | ah <0> |
Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 | cl_observercrosshair <0> |
Toggle flashlight use, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_flashlight <0> |
Toggle footsteps, default is 1(For use on server machine only) | mp_footsteps <0> |
Toggle friendly fire(For use on server machine only) | mp_friendlyfire <0> |
Toggle graph | net_graph <0> |
Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 | dm <0> |
Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 | ghosts <0> |
Unbind key command | unbind |
View other players' frags | cl_hidefrags 0 |
Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution | r_lightmap 1 |
You can use the 'give' code to spawn weapons -> give [Weapon Name]
Weapon Name | Code |
AK-47 | weapon_ak47 |
Artic | weapon_awp |
Benneli xm1014 | weapon_xm1014 |
Bomb defuser | weapon_defuser |
C4 | weapon_c4 |
Colt M4a1 carbine | weapon_m4a1 |
Commando | weapon_sg552 |
Desert eagle | weapon_deagle |
Dual Berettas | weapon_elite |
Flashbang | weapon_flashbang |
Fn P90 | weapon_p90 |
Glock 18 pistol | weapon_glock18 |
H&K Sniper Rifle | weapon_g3sg1 |
HE grenade | weapon_hegrenade |
Kevlar Vest | weapon_kevlar |
M3 super shotgun | weapon_m3 |
MAC-10 | weapon_mac 10 |
MP5 | weapon_mp5navy |
Nightvision goggles | weapon_nightvision |
Para | weapon_m249 |
SIG p228 | weapon_p228 |
Scout | weapon_scout |
Sig 550 | weapon_sig550 |
Smoke grenade | weapon_smokegrenade |
Steyr Aug | weapon_aug |
Ump.45 | weapon_ump45 |
Usp.45 pistol | weapon_usp |
You can use other skins by using skin [Skin Name]
Skin Name | Code |
Arab | arab |
Arctic | arctic |
GSG9 | gsg9 |
Guerrilla | guerrilla |
Hostage | hostage |
SAS | sas |
SEAL | seal |
Terrorist | terror |
VIP | vip |
To activate codes easier, bind them to keys. For example, type bind v 'impulse 101' at the console window to bind the '$16,000' code to the 'V' key.
Temporary invincibility
Type bind 'setinfo model ../oranget' during game play. Keep pressing the key that was bound to that command to become invincible.

Temporary SAS appearance as terrorist
Type bind 'setinfo model sas' (for terrorist only). Your whole body will change into UK SAS suit. Keep pressing the key that was bound to that command.
Get 90 bullets for Usp.45 Pistol
Buy a MAC-10 and all its bullets, then buy a Usp.45 Pistol.
Get 120 bullets for Glock Pistol
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a Glock Pistol. Note: If you already have it, you do not have to buy another one.
Get 98 bullets for Scout
Buy a Scout, shoot one bullet and reload. Then, buy the bullets again.

Lagu Gta San Andreas Terbaik
Get 120 bullets for Steyr TMP
Buy a MP5 and all its bullets, then buy a TMP.
Get 59 bullets for Usp.45 pistol
Buy a Usp pistol, shoot one bullet and reload. Buy the bullets again.
Get 89 bullets for H&K Sniper Rifle
Buy a scout and all the bullets. Shoot once, reload, and buy the bullets again. Then, buy a H&K sniper rifle.
Sniping Ak47
Aim the crosshair in the middle of the enemy and shoot the bullets two by two. When the crosshair becomes large, run and reload. The target should be dead after you shoot the first two bullets.
Lagu Gta San Andreas Mp3 Download
Splatter bones and body tissue
Type bind backspace 'impulse 102' at the console window, then press repeatedly press [Backspace] key and bones, tissue, and blood will scatter all over the place.