Grundfos Cu 352 Manual

  1. Grundfos Cu 352 Controller Manual
  2. Grundfos Cu 352 Manual
  3. Grundfos Cu 352 Controller Manual

Istat menu 6. Question: What do the colored lights on the Magna refer to?

Answer: Each color and rotation provides status information at a quick glance. It is helpful especially helpful when the pumps are in ceilings. Aside from the Magna series, this feature is now on the newly expanding ECM pumps up to 15 HP such as the CRE, CRE-DP, VLSE and CMBE series. Below is the reference Grundfos “eye chart” that explains specifically what each display means:

Keep in mind that when the eye is yellow it is a important “warning” and the pump will continue to run. However, the cause needs to be addressed with a sense of urgency. If it turns red, game over because it stops dead. For more info on Magna fault codes, go to the Magna 3 FAQ section for the most common errors and fixes at

Grundfos Cu 352 Controller Manual

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Grundfos Cu 352 Manual

Grundfos Cu 352 ManualManual

Kodi neptune rising zip. Brightness Grundfos can supply hydraulic data for CR, CRI, CRE and CRIE pumps where GSC files can be downloaded to the CU 352. Electrical data of power must be entered manually. Page 9: Display.

Grundfos Cu 352 Manual

Grundfos Cu 352 Controller Manual


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